Effect of prophylactic sclerostomy on the rate of operation of choroidal effusion drainage post shunting procedure
Afsoon Baghban Manesh1 *, Masoumeh sadat Masoumpour1
- Poostchi Ophthalmology Research Center, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
Abstract: to evaluate the effect of prophylactic sclerostomy combined with AGV implantation on the rate of choroidal drainage surgery in Khalili hospital from March 2013 to February 2017 (Farvardin 92 to Esfand 95)
Methods: In this retrospective study, all the patients who underwent AGV implantation in Khalili hospital from March 2013 to February 2017 were enrolled. All the patients with prophylactic sclerostomy were selected and among the patients who didn’t undergo prophylactic sclerostomy, a number of patients, in consistent with the number of patients who underwent prophylactic sclerostomy, were selected by age, sex, type of glaucoma and combined ocular surgery.
All the preoperative information of patients' glaucoma surgery and also information about systemic diseases and other ocular diseases were collected.
We also collected all the information about implantation procedure and postoperative complications. The final result is about evaluating the need for choroidal drainage surgery.
All data analysis was done by using SPSS 16.
Results: 604 patients with glaucoma underwent AGV implantation in Khalili hospital in mentioned period of time. 111 patients underwent prophylactic sclerostomy combined with AGV implantation
According to the statistical analysis, there was no association between performing prophylactic sclerostomy and sex, age, systemic diseases and other ocular diseases, number of antiglaucoma drugs, other drugs, smoking, laterality, type of glaucoma, preoperative examinations, Al (axial length) and CCT (central corneal thickness) of the patients with combined pahco surgery.
During AGV implantation, the only difference was performing prophylactic sclerostomy in one group and not performing that in another group.
Among 12 patients who developed choroidal effusion,1 patient had undergone prophylactic sclerostomy (p value: .026) and among 6 patients who needed choroidal drainage surgery, none of them had undergone this prophylactic surgery (p value: .029). There was no association between performing prophylactic sclerostomy and other evaluated postoperative complications.
Conclusion: performing prophylactic sclerostomy can decrease choroidal effusion rate and also decreases the need for choroidal drainage surgery. None of the patients with prophylactic sclerostomy needed choroidal drainage surgery. performing prophylactic sclerostomy combined with AGV implantation can be a promising way of treatment to decrease choroidal effusion rate and the need for choroidal drainage surgery.