Evaluation of the frequency of ocular manifestations and its relation to CD4 + cells count in HIV / AIDS patients in Hamadan

Fateme Eslami1 *, Fateme Torkaman asadi1 , Mehdi Alizade1

  1. Hamadan University of Medical Sciences

Abstract: AIDS or Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome is one of the most important infectious diseases and immune system in humans caused by HIV. AIDS is one of the most important infectious diseases that weaken the immune system and increase the susceptibility to a variety of opportunistic infections. Ocular manifestations are very common in HIV / AIDS patients and include a wide range of complications. The aim of this study was to evaluate the ophthalmic manifestations of HIV positive patients in Hamadan city and its relation with different levels of CD4 in patients.

Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 114 HIV patients referred to Behavioral Disease Counseling Center were studied. ِDemographic data, medical history, CD4 level, vairal load, HIV diagnosis date, were extracted from the patients' files. Patients were referred to an ophthalmology clinic for ophthalmologic examinations and finally the information was recorded in the relevant checklist. The data were entered into SPSS 16 software and analyzed statistically.

Results: Out of 114 HIV-positive patients, 75 were male (65.8%) and 39 (34.2%) female. The mean age of the patients was 39.58 ± 12.10 years ( ranged from 2 to 65 years). Of the 114 patients studied, 66 (57.89%) had ocular manifestations and 48 (42.10%) had no ocular finding. 37.7% of the patients had eyelid manifestations, 34.2% had conjunctival manifestations, 16.7% had corneal manifestations, and 17.5% had retinal manifestations. The most common finding were blepharitis in 35.1, dry eye in 28.1%, cataract in 7% and pterygium in 6.1% of patients. The most common posterior segment finding was old retinal scars in 8.8% of patients. Only statistically significant correlation was found between mean CD4 count and patients with retinal manifestations (p = 0.001).

Conclusion: In this study , posterior segment finding was significantly higher in patients who did not receive HAART, and their CD4 cell count was significantly lower compared to patients without ocular manifestations


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