Hard contact lens fitting after corneal collagen cross-linking
Saeid Abdi1 , Ali Ayatollahi1 *, zahra kamary rad1
- Department of optometry, School of Rehabilitation, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Abstract: Today, the use of hard contact lenses has increased; These types of lenses have better vision quality, longer durability and easier maintenance procedure, and in some cases, such as keratoconus, become an inevitable solution to increase patients vision. However, these types of contact lenses have their own complexities and problems, specially after corneal collagen cross-linking, proper fitting and troubleshooting of hard contact lenses is a necessary part of hard contact lens fitting in these patients.
Methods: Our aim is to review current and significant articles on hard Contact lens fitting after corneal collagen cross-linking. A comprehensive review of the PubMed literature was conducted on the topics regarding contact lens wear in keratoconus patients after corneal collagen cross-linking.
Results: Gas permeable lenses (GP) have better vision than spectacles. Scleral and hybrid lenses provide good vision and comfort sense for keratoconical patients who have not previously tolerated RGP lenses. For scleral lenses, the duration of lens wear remains stable at both pre-CXL and post-CXL. Contrast sensitivity also improves in several months follow up. Keratometric values also significantly reduce postoperatively and duration of contact lens use increase significantly.
Wear of RGP lenses after cross-linking is relatively well tolerated.
Conclusion: RGP lenses remain the best option to improve visual acuity after CXL in corneal ectasia. Imaging technology can be useful after CXL to guide contact lenses fitting for reaching the maximum visual acuity and comfort sense.