A Scientometrics Review on the International Trend of Clinical Ophthalmologic Scientific Productions (2000, 2020)
Ali Sharifi1 , Hossein Ghaedamini2 *, Elham Ziarati2 , Salman Farahbakhsh3 , Zahra Saghafi4 , Hamid Sharifi5
- Department of Ophthalmology, Shafa Hospital, Afzalipoor School of Medicine, School of Medicine, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran
- Medical Student, Afzalipoor School of Medicine, Kerman University of Medical Sinces, Kerman, Iran
- Faculty Member, Sirjan University of Medical Sciences, Sirjan, Iran
- Faculty Member, Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences, Rafsanjan, Iran
- 5. HIV/STI Surveillance Research Center, and WHO Collaborating Center for HIV Surveillance, Institute for Futures Studies in Health, Kerman, Iran
Abstract: Reviewing and analyzing studies in the field of Clinical Ophthalmology (CO) to select research priorities appropriate to the conditions of each region are important issues. This study aimed to assess the international trend of CO's scientific productions and providing practical policy-making for interest ophthalmologists researchers at three levels: global, the six regions of the World Health Organization (WHO), and Iran.
Methods: This was a bibliometric study using the WoS (Web of Sciences) database and search affiliation address relevant to CO. Subject and geographical overlay maps were also applied to visualize the network activities.
Results: The results showed that 18,106 papers related to CO were published. 57.97 % of papers were the Original Article (N=10,495). The year 2019 was the busiest year for all researchers in the world. The scientific productions of the world, Europe, and the West Pacific regions had an increasing trend. The most common Keywords that CO's researchers of the world used in their papers were prevalence (9.24 %), glaucoma (7.18 %), and Optical Coherence Tomography (6.24%) respectively. The most common subjects were Neuro ophthalmology (19.39%), Pharmacology (17.76 %), and Glaucoma (13.7%), respectively. The busiest authors were Wong TY (0.73%), Weinreb RN (0.5%), and Aung T (0.45%). The most productive institutions were John Hopkins Univ (University) (3.04%), University of Miami (1.73 %), and University of California (1.41%). The most productive countries were the USA (32.12 %), Germany (8.93 %), England (8.39 %), and Canada (3.84 %).
Conclusion: The scientific production of CO in the world has an increasing trend in recent years. The two regions of America (esp. USA and Canada) and Europe (esp. Germany and England) has the highest scientific productions. The researchers' main focus was on the prevalence of eye diseases, diagnosis, glaucoma, pharmacology, and neuro ophthalmology. Iran also had the most effective role in CO scientific production in the EMRO but it's not enough and needs appropriate policymaking. The results of this research can be used as a comprehensive guideline for all CO's researchers around the world.