Prevalence of Glaucoma Screening in Patients with Advanced Glaucoma
Azadeh Doozandeh1 *, Iman Ansari1 , Amir Arabi1 , Zohreh Ghasemi1
- Ophthalmic Research Center, Research Institute for ophthalmology and vision science, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Abstract: To determine the general awareness about the risk of glaucoma and the prevalence of glaucoma screening in patients with advanced glaucoma
Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted among patients with a diagnosis of advanced glaucoma between April 2018 to March 2020 at the Labbafinezhad glaucoma clinic. The history of glaucoma screening in recent year, the examiner who had done the screen, and the person who had referred the patient to the glaucoma clinic was evaluated through a questionnaire. The proportion of patients with a warning about glaucoma, the prevalence of a positive family history of glaucoma, and awareness about the glaucoma risk were evaluated.
Results: A total of 154 patients include 54.5% (n=84) male and 45.5% (n=70) female with a mean age of 58±16 years were evaluated. Subjects were mostly from Tehran (39.6%), Mazandaran (11.7%), and Alborz (10.4%) Provence. 84.4% of patients had at least one Ophthalmological examination in the recent past year. The visits were done by optometrists, general ophthalmologists, and glaucoma fellowships in 32.1%, 78%, and 6.8% respectively. 44.7% of patients were warned about the risk of glaucoma. 44.8% of the cases were referred by a general ophthalmologist and 8.4% by glaucoma fellowship, while no one was referred by an optometrist. 20.8% of patients had a family history of glaucoma, which was in first degree relatives in 65.6%. Only 12.5% of them were aware of glaucoma risk.
Conclusion: Totally it may be concluded that the effectiveness of clinical screening and screening in high-risk populations for glaucoma was lower than normal. Further attempts are required to develop more concern about glaucoma in the population, added to more efforts for ophthalmologists and optometrists to have better screening skills.
Keywords: Glaucoma, prevention, screening